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Database Structure

Author: Georgi Peev

The WFP Chatbot utilizes MongoDB as its primary database system. The database architecture is designed to support efficient data retrieval, conversation context management, and usage monitoring.

Schema Diagram

MongoDB Collections Schema

Collections Overview

1. chatbot_data

Primary collection for storing general chatbot data:

"_id": "ObjectId",
"document_name": "string", // Unique identifier for the document
"country_name": "string", // Country the data belongs to
"country_id": "string", // Country ID code
"regions_id": "string", // Region ID code
"data_labels": ["string"], // Categories/tags for the data
"data_description": "string", // Description of the content
"data": "string", // Actual content text
"data_embedding": [float] // Vector embedding for similarity search

2. report_chatting

Collection for storing country-specific report data:

"_id": "ObjectId",
"document_name": "string", // Unique identifier for the document
"country_name": "string", // Country the report belongs to
"document_title": "string", // Title of the report
"data_labels": ["string"], // Categories/tags for the data
"data_description": "string", // Description of the content
"document_page_number": "int", // Page number in source document
"data": "string", // Actual report content
"data_embedding": [float] // Vector embedding for similarity search

3. context_metrics

Collection for monitoring conversation context performance:

"_id": "ObjectId",
"timestamp": "datetime", // When metrics were recorded
"conversation_id": "string", // Unique conversation identifier
"total_tokens": "number", // Total tokens in conversation
"context_tokens": "number", // Tokens used for context
"truncation_occurred": "boolean",// Whether context was truncated
"avg_relevance_score": "number", // Average relevance of retrieved docs
"max_relevance_score": "number", // Maximum relevance score
"min_relevance_score": "number", // Minimum relevance score
"cache_hit_rate": "number", // Rate of cache hits
"response_time_ms": "number" // Response time in milliseconds

4. token_usage

Collection for tracking daily token usage:

"_id": "ObjectId",
"date": "datetime", // Date of usage (midnight timestamp)
"total_tokens": "number", // Total tokens used that day
"updated_at": "datetime" // Last update timestamp

Key Features

  • Both chatbot_data and report_chatting include vector embeddings
  • Enables semantic similarity search for relevant context
  • Optimized for fast retrieval of related content

2. Performance Monitoring

  • Comprehensive metrics tracking in context_metrics
  • Token usage monitoring in token_usage
  • Response time measurements
  • Cache hit rate tracking

3. Data Organization

  • Separation of general chatbot data and report-specific data
  • Structured document metadata
  • Vector embeddings for search optimization


The database connection is configured through environment variables:


Data Management

1. Data Ingestion

  • Automated parsing of PDF reports into report_chatting
  • Vector embedding generation for both collections
  • Structured data organization

2. Monitoring & Cleanup

  • Daily token usage tracking
  • Context metrics collection
  • Automated cleanup of old metrics (configurable retention)

3. Performance Optimization

  • Vector indexing for similarity search
  • Structured metadata for efficient querying
  • Separate collections to optimize access patterns