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Data Retrievals

Author: Marius Moldovan

The Data Retrieval Module allows for the data retrieval from the HungerMap API and saves the fetched Data locally in CSV and JSON files. This prepares the data for the upload to the database.


Running one of the modules will generally result in the following:

  1. Creation of the folders, CSV and JSON files
  2. The Data will be fetched from the API
  3. The fetched data will be stored in the CSV and JSON file. During this process some fields might be renamed or removed if they irrelevant.

All data is saved in the folder assets/ and further subfolders.

Usage and configuration

All retrieval functions can be executed by simply running the corresponding Python file. For Methods with parameters, a list of all available country IDs is automatically passed to the function insuring no countries are missed. The list of countries is sourced from the file assets/country_data/country_ids.csv.

To modify the Endpoint from which the data is fetched, the relevant parameter can be changed in the corresponding Python file.

Python Scripts and Functions

General Country Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_api_country_general_data(country_ids):

Fetches the data from the Endpoint{}/countryData.json and saves the relevant data to country_data/countries_general.csv and country_data/countries_general.json.


  • country_ids (List[str]): List of country ids to retrieve data for.


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • adm0_code (int): The country ID.
  • population (float): The population of the country in Millions.
  • populationSource (str): Source of the population data.
  • fcs (float): Food Consumption Score.
  • fcsMinus1 (float): FCS minus 1 metric.
  • fcsMinus3 (float): FCS minus 3 metric.
  • importDependency (float ): Import dependency percentage.
  • fcsGraph (list[dict]): FCS Graph containing fields: x, fcs, fcsHigh, fcsLow.
  • rcsiGraph (list[dict]): RCSI Graph containing fields: x, rcsi, rcsiHigh, rcsiLow.
  • news (list[dict]): News articles related to the country containing fields: author, title, description, url, image, publishedAt, content.

Additional Country Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_api_country_additional_data(country_ids):

Fetches the data from the Endpoint{}/adm1data.json and saves the relevant data to country_data/countries_additional.csv and country_data/countries_additional.json


  • country_ids (List[str]): List of country ids to retrieve data for.


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • adm0_code (int): The Country ID.
  • hc_transform (dict): Highcharts transformation data.
  • features (list[dict]): List of geographic features containing fields: type, geometry, properties, id.

Conflicts Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_conflicts():

Fetches the data from the Endpoint and saves the relevant Data to conflict_data/conflicts.csv and conflict_data/conflicts.json


  • None


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • event_type (str): Type of the event.
  • region (str): Geographical region where the event occurred.
  • count (int): Number of events.
  • latitude (float): Latitude coordinate of the event location.
  • longitude (float): Longitude coordinate of the event location.

Function: parse_conflicts_per_country(parsed_csv):

This function preprocesses the parsed CSV file to group the conflicts by country and saves the result in the new CSV files conflict_data/countries/{country_name}.csv


  • parsed_csv (str): Path to the parsed csv file.


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • event_type (str): Type of the event.
  • region (str): Geographical region where the event occurred.
  • count (int): Number of events.
  • latitude (float): Latitude coordinate of the event location.
  • longitude (float): Longitude coordinate of the event location.

Function: parse_all_locations(path_to_countries_folder):

A function to print all locations in the given in csv files for each country according to coordinates.


  • path_to_countries_folder (str): Path to the countries folder.


  • None

IPC Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_api_ipc():

Fetches the data from the Endpoint and saves the relevant Data to ipc_data/ipc.csv and ipc_data/ipc.json


  • None


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • adm0_code (int): The country ID.
  • adm0_name (str): The name of the country.
  • ipc_population_affected (int): The number of people affected by IPC.
  • ipc_percent (float): The percentage of the population affected by IPC.
  • source (str): Source of the IPC data.
  • analysis_period (str): The period during which the analysis was conducted.
  • date_of_analysis (str): The date when the analysis was performed.
  • phase_4_plus_population (int): Population in Phase 4 and above.
  • phase_5_population (int): Population in Phase 5.

PDC Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_pdc():

Fetches the data from the Endpoint and saves the relevant Data to pdc_data/pdc.csv and pdc_data/pdc.json


  • None


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • id (int): The unique hazard ID.
  • type (str): The type of hazard.
  • severityId (str): The severity level ID.
  • hazardName (str): The name of the hazard.
  • latitude (float): The latitude coordinate.
  • longitude (float): The longitude coordinate.
  • createDate (str): The creation date and time.
  • lastUpdate (str): The last update date and time.

Country Reports

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_reports():

Fetches the data from the Endpoint and saves the relevant Data to reports_data/reports.csv and reports_data/reports.json


  • None


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • country_name (str): The name of the country.
  • country_code (str): The ISO3 code of the country.
  • report_url (str): The URL of the summary report.

ISO3 Data

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_api_iso3(country_codes):

Fetches the data from the Endpoint{}/countryIso3Data.json and saves the relevant Data to reports_data/reports.csv and reports_data/reports.json


  • country_codes (List[str]): List of country ISO3 codes to retrieve data for.


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • countryCode (str): The country ISO3 Code.
  • nutrition (dict): Nutrition data containing fields: wasting, stunting and source
  • currencyExchangeGraph (dict): Currency exchange graph containing fields: name, source, updated, data.
  • balanceOfTradeGraph (dict): Balance of trade graph containing fields: data.
  • inflationGraphs (dict): Headline and food inflation graphs containing fields: headline, food.

Yearly Reviews

Name of Python Script:

Function: parse_yearly_reports():

Fetches the data from the Endpoint and saves the relevant Data to yearly_reports/yearly_reports.csv and yearly_reports/yearly_reports.json


  • None


  • None

CSV File Structure::

  • label (str): Name of the report.
  • URL (str): Link to the report.

Running all Data Retrievals

Function: run_all_parsers():

Runs all Data Retrievals inside the folder src/parsers.


  • None


  • None