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Send Email API

Author: Shaurya Sharma

Endpoint: /send-email
Method: POST

Sends a single email to one recipient for a specific topic_id.

  1. Validate topic_id and fetch the relevant template.
  2. Generate HTML content via
  3. Download PDFs (if any) and encode them for attachment.
  4. Use Brevo’s Transactional API to send the email.
  5. Insert a record into an email_reports or equivalent logging collection.

Request Body

"email": "",
"topic_id": "64a888c0aaaabbbbccccddd1",
"pdf_links": [
  • email: The address of the recipient.
  • topic_id: MongoDB _id of the topic that dictates which template is used.
  • pdf_links: An optional array of URLs to be downloaded and attached as PDFs.

Success Response

"message": "Email sent successfully"

Failure Cases

  • 400 if topic_id is invalid.
  • 400 if any pdf_links cannot be downloaded.
  • 500 if there is an error generating the email or sending via Brevo.