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Subscribe API

Author: Shaurya Sharma

Endpoint: /subscribe
Method: POST

Creates or updates a subscription for a user in the database.

  • If a subscriber with the given email does not exist, the service automatically creates a new subscriber document.
  • If the topic is already subscribed to but new option_ids are provided, they are merged (unless some conflict arises).

Request Body

"email": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"organization": "Any Organization",
"topic_id": "64a888c072f0ab23456789cd",
"option_ids": ["64a888c000000000000001ab", "64a888c000000000000001ac"]
  • topic_id: The ID of the topic to which the user wants to subscribe.
  • option_ids: An array of report IDs, required only if the topic has options_available: true.

Sample Response

"message": "Successfully subscribed"

Error Cases

  • 400 if topic_id is invalid or doesn’t exist.
  • 400 if the topic requires option_ids but none (or empty array) is provided.
  • 400 if already subscribed to some of the provided option IDs.