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Info pages

Author: Jakob Schödl

To help users understand what the HungerMap is and how it works, it contains multiple Info Pages. Those go into detail on the used data sources and technologies. The same information is also accessible using tooltips throughout the map.

We worked on making this information more accessible by summarizing the explanations and improving the way they are shown to the user.


  • About page: General information on the HungerMap in a Q&A-Format
  • Data sources page: Data types used for the HungerMap together with their source and update interval
  • Wiki page: Detailed explanation on some of the data sources
  • Disclaimer: Notes on ongoing disputes over political borders


  • Search feature for About, Data Sources and Wiki pages
    • Filters the page contents to matches
    • Highlights the match keywords
    • Usage of query parameters, i.e. the current search is appended to the URL
  • Revised explanations
    • Summaries of all data sources
    • Simplification of overcomplicated texts (in obvious cases)
    • Important abbreviations show the long form when hovered
  • Clean and responsive design
  • All pages and tooltips are auto-generated from a format similar to JSON
    • No deep knowledge needed for editing the info pages
    • Everything is stored at one spot
    • Explanations throughout the map stay consistent

Comparison of the HungerMap Versions

FeatureOld HungerMap (v1)New HungerMap (v2)
List of data sources (including update interval and source)displayed on the Glossary page (single large table with headings)displayed on the Data Sources page (accordion with one table per category)
Explanations for data sourcesincluded in the Glossary pageData Sources page with summaries, Wiki page with detailed descriptions (Modifications to the text to make it more readable in obvious cases)
General information on the HungerMapdisplayed on the Methodology page (single text with subheadings)Displayed on the About page (Sections with accordions, Q&A Style)
SearchBasic search on the Glossary page (as filter for the table rows)Search on About, Data Sources and Wiki page (filters content to show matching sections only and highlights the results on the page), query parameter for the search text
Info tooltips throughout the mapContain the explanations for all data sources (single long text)Start with a summary of the data source and continue with the detailed explanation
User ExperienceDark mode only; unhandy, but usable on mobile devicesDark and Light mode; optimized for mobile devices