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Info pages

Author: Jakob Schödl

If you want to add a new info page, follow this guide.


All pages that are reachable from the sidebar (except for the home page) are info pages. They differ from the map page as follows:

  • Instead of a sidebar, a topbar (desktop) or a hamburger menu (mobile) without the map layers and filters is displayed
  • The content has a maximum width (and is centered)
  • Textual content is searchable (optional)

The content of a page /yourInfoPage should be stored at the following places:

  • /src/app/yourInfoPage
    • layout.tsx: Metadata and layout of the page (includes the navigation bar and the chat bot button)
    • page.tsx: The actual page content
  • /src/domain/constant/yourInfoPage:
    • yourTextElements.tsx: Searchable text paragraphs of the page
    • yourAccordionItems.tsx: Searchable accordion items of the page

Search handling

If you want to add search or additional searchable content to a page, see this guide.

At the top of the file
'use client'

Searchable pages need the useState hook to keep track of the current search. That's only supported for client components.

import { Suspense, useState } from 'react';

import DocsSearchBar from '@/components/Search/DocsSearchBar';
import DocsSearchBarSkeleton from '@/components/Search/DocsSearchBarSkeleton';
import SearchableSection from '@/components/Search/SearchableSection';

function Page() {
const [searchWords, setSearchWords] = useState<string[]>([]);
// ...

return (
{/* ... */}
<Suspense fallback={<DocsSearchBarSkeleton/>}>
<DocsSearchBar setSearchWords={setSearchWords}/>
{!searchWords.length && <h1 className="!mb-0">Demo page title</h1>}
{/* ... */}
{/* ... */}

searchWords is an array of lower-case search words that can be used to highlight matching words, e.g. using SearchableSection. Its length is 0 only if there is no ongoing search.

The DocsSearchBar already takes care of synchronizing those words with the query parameter ?search=.... That requires a Suspense boundary around the component to avoid build errors (and improve user experience).

Usage of onVisibilityChange

It is desirable to show a hint like "No results" instead of just a blank screen if a search matches no content. Supposed all of the searchable content is stored within SearchableSection components, this requires to check if all of these are currently hidden. We get this information by passing a handler function to the onVisibilityChange prop of each SearchableSection, which gets called with respective boolean values.

If there is only one SearchableSection, a single useState hook is sufficient.

function Page() {
const [searchWords, setSearchWords] = useState<string[]>([]);
const [sectionIsVisible, setSectionIsVisible] = useState(true);
// ...

return (
{/* ... */}
{!sectionIsVisible && !!searchWords.length && <p className="text-center">No results</p>}