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Author: Linus Sander

The Tooltip component renders a customizable tooltip. It is based on the NextUI Tooltip component.

It should be used as a wrapper for one or more components. When hovering over these wrapped components, the tooltip appears with a delay.


  • children React.ReactNode: the wrapped React components
  • title string: title of the tooltip (optional)
  • text string: textual content of the tooltip
  • delay number: delay with which tooltip appears on hover in milliseconds; default is 0 (optional)
  • warning boolean: selected if the tooltip should be highlighted; border of the tooltip is coloured in a warning color (optional)
  • titleStyle string: additional tailwind classes to style the title (optional)
  • textStyle string: additional tailwind classes to style the text (optional)
  • offset number: offset of the tooltip, default is set to 10 (optional)


Simple example

Tooltip example simple

<Tooltip title="Lorem ipsum" text="Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.">
<div className="p-2 border-1"> Dummy Box </div>

Maxed out example

Tooltip example maxed out

title="Lorem ipsum"
text="Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor."
<div className="p-2 border-1"> Dummy Box</div>