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CSV utils

Author: Marius Moldovan

The CSV Utils Module provides an easy adn efficient way to interact with CSV files.


  1. read_csv_data: Reads data from a CSV file and returns it as a list of dictionaries

Classes and Functions

Function: read_csv_data(file_path)

Read data from a CSV file and return a list of dictionaries.


  • file_path (str): Path to the CSV file.


  • List[Dict[str, str]]:: List of dictionaries containing the CSV data. Each element of the list contains the data of one row of the CSV file.


  1. Opens the CSV file in read mode with UTF-8 encoding.
  2. Uses csv.DictReader to read the csv file content and map every row to a dictionary
  3. Appends each dictionary to a list, which is then returned

Example Usage:

from csv_utils import read_csv_data

file_path = "example.csv"
data = read_csv_data(file_path)

for row in data: