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Run all uploaders script

Author: Muhammed Emre Bayraktaroglu

Purpose: This script automates the execution of all Python scripts in the src/data_uploaders folder, essentially running every single data uploader to set up the database for the chatbot. It runs each script sequentially, captures output, and handles errors, making it ideal for batch processing.


  1. Run the Script:

  2. Output:

    • Displays the name of each data uploader being executed.
    • Prints the standard output or errors for each script.
    • Stops if a script fails.

Code Overview

  1. folder_path: Specifies the directory (src/data_uploaders) containing the data uploaders to execute.

  2. Dynamic Execution: Converts filenames to module paths (e.g., uploader.pysrc.data_uploaders.uploader) and runs them using

  3. Error Handling:

    • Prints errors if a script fails (stderr).
    • Stops further execution if the return code is non-zero.

Example Output

Running src.data_uploaders.uploader1...
Output from uploader1...
Running src.data_uploaders.uploader2...
Error in uploader2: Traceback (most recent call last)...
uploader2 failed to execute.


  • Change Directory: Modify folder_path to point to a different script folder.
  • Error Handling: Adjust how errors are managed (e.g., log errors to a file).


This lightweight script aimed at simplifying the setup process of the database for the chatbot.