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Database utils

Author: Marius Moldovan

The Database Utils module provides a streamlined approach for managing data in a MongoDB collection.


  1. load_db_config: Dynamically loads database connection settings from environment variables.
  2. upload_chatbot_data: Simplifies the process of inserting the chatbot data into the MongoDB collection.
  3. clear_data: Provides a quick way to delete all documents in the collection.

Classes and Functions

Function: load_db_config(field_to_embed="data")

Load database configuration from environment variables.


  • field_to_embed (str): The field in the document to create an embedding for. Defaults to "data".


  • tuple: A tuple containing:
    • db_uri (str): MongoDB connection string.
    • db_name (str): Name of the database.
    • db_collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
    • field_to_embed (str): Name of the field to embed.


  • ValueError: If any of the required environment variables are missing.

Function: upload_chatbot_data(data)

Upload data to chatbot Collection MongoDB.

Updates each item's data field to a string containing data_description and data_labels.


  • data (List[dict]): A list of dictionaries representing the data to upload. Each dictionary must include:
    • data_description (str): A description of the data.
    • data_labels (List[str]): A list of labels associated with the data.


  • None


  • Updates each item's data field to a string containing data_description and data_labels.
  • Prints the _id of each successfully inserted document.

Function: clear_data()

Clear all data from the chatbot Collection MongoDB.


  • None


  • None