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How to Add or Modify Email Topics in MongoDB

Author: Cansu Moran

Email topics are stored in the email_service collection within the WFP database. To add or modify a topic, follow these steps:


  1. You need access to MongoDB, either through a MongoDB UI (e.g., MongoDB Compass) or through a command-line interface.
  2. You need the template_id, which corresponds to the object ID (_id field) of a template related to the topic. You can find this in the email_service > templates collection.

Steps to Add/Modify an Email Topic:

  1. Navigate to the email_service collection: Inside the WFP database, go to the email_service collection. This is where all email topics are stored.

  2. Add a New Topic or Modify an Existing One:

    • To add a new topic: Insert a new document with the following fields:

      • topic_name: A unique identifier for the topic (e.g., test_daily_reports).
      • template_id: The object ID of the related template. You can find this ID in the email_service > templates collection under the _id field.
      • topic_display_name: A human-readable name for the topic (e.g., "Country Summary Report(s)"). This will be the name that is included in the emails and the dropdown options during subscription.
      • topic_description: A short description of the topic (e.g., "Daily Reports").
      • options_available: A boolean value indicating whether the topic has different subscribable options (e.g., true or false).

      Example document for a new topic:

      "topic_name": "daily_reports",
      "template_id": "000000000000000000000000",
      "topic_display_name": "Country Summary Report(s)",
      "topic_description": "Daily Reports",
      "options_available": true
    • To modify an existing topic:

      • Use the topic_name to locate the topic.
      • Edit the fields as needed (e.g., changing template_id, topic_display_name, etc.).
      • In MongoDB Compass, click on the document to edit it. In the CLI, use the update or findAndModify command.

      Example of a MongoDB update command:

      { "topic_name": "test_daily_reports" },
      { $set: { "topic_display_name": "Updated Country Summary Report" } }

3Understanding the options_available Field:

  • options_available is a boolean value that indicates whether users can subscribe to different options within the topic.
    • If options_available is true, it means the topic supports different subscription options (e.g., a user can subscribe to daily reports for specific countries).
    • If options_available is false, it means the topic has a single subscription option, and all users subscribing to the topic will receive the same report (e.g., a Global Report topic).

Key Points:

  • template_id: The template_id refers to the ObjectId of a template from the email_service > templates collection. Ensure that the template exists and is correctly linked to the topic.
  • options_available: This should be set to true for topics with multiple subscription options (like Daily Reports for different countries), and false for topics with a single report (like a Global Report).