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Sending Bulk Emails - Step by Step

Author: Shaurya Sharma

This guide walks you through sending bulk emails using the Email Service.


  1. Run the Flask Server

    • Make sure you have installed all required Python packages (e.g., Flask, pymongo, brevo-python, jinja2, requests, python-dotenv, premailer).
    • Ensure you have a proper .env file containing MONGODB_URI, MONGODB_DB_EMAIL_SERVICE, BREVO_API_KEY, BREVO_SENDER_EMAIL, and BREVO_SENDER_NAME.
    • Start the server, typically with:
    • The server should be running on the configured port (default is 5001 in the code).
  2. Confirm Your Topic Setup

    • Before sending an email, you need a valid topic in your database (topics collection).
    • Each topic typically references a template.
    • If your topic supports sub-options (e.g., countries), ensure corresponding reports documents exist.
  3. Test the API

    • You can use cURL, Postman, or any other REST client to interact with the endpoints.

Sending Bulk Emails

Use the bulk endpoint to send emails to multiple subscribers at once, typically used for daily or weekly distributions.

Step 1: Prepare the Request

  • Endpoint: /send-bulk-emails
  • Method: POST

Step 2: Craft the JSON Body

The exact format depends on your design, but a common example is:

"topic_id": "64a888c0aaaabbbbccccddd1"

The service will look up all subscriptions for the given topic_id, gather those subscriber emails, then send out an email to each of them.

Step 3: Send the Request

Using cURL as an example:

curl -X POST \
http://localhost:5001/send-bulk-emails \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"topic_id": "64a888c0aaaabbbbccccddd1"

Step 4: Check the Response

A successful bulk send typically returns:

"message": "Bulk email sending started",
"report_id": "64a888c0aaaabbbbccccmmm4"

If errors occur partway through sending, the service may continue for other recipients or halt, depending on how error handling is implemented.

Step 5: Verify the Bulk Delivery

  • Each email is typically logged in the database (e.g., email_reports collection) with a status of "success" or "failed".
  • Confirm that multiple recipients have indeed received the email.


  • Topic or Template Not Found: Ensure topic_id is valid and that the topic references an existing template (if required).
  • PDF Links Failing: Verify the PDF URLs are correct and publicly accessible.
  • Email Not Delivered: Double-check your Brevo API Key, sender email, and that your domain is verified in Brevo.
  • Server Errors (500): Inspect the Flask logs or the console output for Python traceback details.