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Changing the Forecasting Model

Author: Cansu Moran

Follow these steps to update the forecasting model in the project:

1. Locate the Forecasting Module

  • Identify the main file handling the current forecasting model, under forecast directory.

2. Add the New Forecasting Model

  • Install any dependencies required for the new model (e.g., via pip):
    pip install <new-model-library>
  • Create a new file for the model or modify the existing one:
  • Implement the new model logic. Ensure it adheres to the expected input and output format used in the project.

3. Update the Model Selection Logic

  • Update updatePredictions() function in under forecast directory so that the data is passed to your selected model.
    fcs_pred, rcsi_pred = new_forecast_model.predict(data)

Key Points:

  • fcsGraph contains data points for Food Consumption Score (FCS), including upper and lower bounds.
  • rcsiGraph contains data points for Reduced Coping Strategies Index (rCSI), also with upper and lower bounds.

Your new model's function should be able to handle this data format.

4: Ensure Proper Output Format

The function should return predictions as fcs_pred and rcsi_pred. The values are retrieved from the prediction results in the following structure:

'fcs': round(fcs_pred[i][0]),
'fcs_high': round(fcs_pred[i][1]),
'fcs_low': round(fcs_pred[i][2]),
'rcsi': round(rcsi_pred[i][0]),
'rcsi_high': round(rcsi_pred[i][1]),
'rcsi_low': round(rcsi_pred[i][2])