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PDF Preview

Author: Bohdan Garchu

The PDF Preview feature allows users to view and interact with PDF documents directly within the application. This feature is implemented using react-pdf library, and it integrates seamlessly into the user interface by providing a modal-based preview of the PDF content.


The PDF Preview feature provides a modal-based interface where users can:

  1. View PDF documents.
  2. Scroll through pages.
  3. Download the PDF and its related data (e.g., JSON or CSV).


Modal is implemented using @nextui-org/modal and provides a user-friendly interface for previewing PDFs.

Backdrop and Styling

Modal includes a gradient backdrop for enhanced visuals. PDF Preview Modal

Error Handling

If an error occurs (e.g., file not found), a user-friendly error message is displayed. PDF Preview Error

Top Bar

Top bar includes page number, download options, and close button. Download options (PDF, JSON, CSV) are available via a dropdown menu. If an option is not available, it is grayed out. PDF Preview Top Bar

Technical Details

PDF Preview feature consists of the following components:


The main entry point for this feature, responsible for displaying the modal and handling user interactions like opening and closing the preview. In order to display a PDF, PdfPreview component requires the following props:

  1. isModalOpen: A boolean value indicating whether the modal is open or closed.
  2. toggleModal: A function to toggle the modal open or closed.
  3. pdfFile: The PDF file to be displayed. PDF files can be passed as a string representing the name of a file located in public folder or as a Blob object representing the PDF file itself.
  4. error: An optional error message to display in case the PDF file cannot be loaded.
  5. onDownloadPdf: A function to handle the download of the PDF file.


A lightweight wrapper that dynamically loads PdfViewer component without server-side rendering (SSR). This was implemented to prevent issues react-pdf has with next.js.


Handles rendering of the PDF file using react-pdf. Includes functionality for text selection, downloads and scrolling through pages. Some technical details include:

  • Responsive Design: The PDF viewer is responsive and adjusts to the size of the modal by registering an event listener for window resize events and controlling pageWidth parameter of the Page component depending on the modal width.
const onResize = useCallback(() => {
setPageWidth(topBarRef.current ? topBarRef.current.offsetWidth * 0.8 : window.innerWidth * 0.9);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize);
}, [onResize]);
  • Current Page Number: The current page number is displayed in the top bar and is updated when the user scrolls through the pages. This is achieved by scheduling a repeated task to track current visible page. A function trackVisiblePage is called every 100ms to determine the current page number based on the visible area of the pages.
useEffect(() => {
const trackPageInterval = setInterval(() => {
PdfViewerOperations.trackVisiblePage(document, setPageNumber);
}, 100);

return () => {
}, []);
static trackVisiblePage(document: Document, updatePageNumber: (pageNumber: number) => void): void {
const pages = document.querySelectorAll('.react-pdf__Page');
let largestVisibleArea = 0;
let currentPage = 1;

pages.forEach((page, index) => {
const rect = page.getBoundingClientRect();
const visibleHeight = Math.min(rect.bottom, window.innerHeight) - Math.max(, 0);
if (visibleHeight > largestVisibleArea && visibleHeight > 0) {
largestVisibleArea = visibleHeight;
currentPage = index + 1;


PDF Worker

For react-pdf to work, a PDF.js worker needs to be provided. This worker is a separate file that is loaded in the background and contains the logic for rendering a PDF. The file is provided using a url to the official pdfjs worker.

pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//${pdfjs.version}/pdf.worker.min.mjs`;

This approach works in production, it fails in development due to CORS issues. To solve this the workerSrc can be set to a local file from the pdfjs-dist package.

pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = new URL(