React Contexts
Author: Georgi Tsipov
Manages map type selection state and operations.
- Manages which map type (Global Insight) is currently selected
- Integrates with Google Analytics tracking
- Default selected map type:
interface SelectedMapTypeState {
selectedMapType: GlobalInsight; // Currently selected map type. Default: GlobalInsight.FOOD.
setSelectedMapType: (value: GlobalInsight) => void; // Update selected map type. Send an event to Google Analytics
Provider: SelectedMapProvider
- Initializes with
- Wrap components that need access to map selection state
Hook: useSelectedMap()
const { selectedMapType, setSelectedMapType } = useSelectedMap();
- Use it inside a component to access and manage the selected map type
Manages alert selection state and operations.
- Controls alert visibility on the map
- Integrates with Google Analytics tracking
- Default:
interface SelectedAlertsState {
selectedAlert: AlertType | null; // Currently selected alert. Default: AlertType.COUNTRY_ALERTS
setSelectedAlert: (value: AlertType) => void; // Set selected alert
isAlertSelected: (alertType: AlertType) => boolean; // Check if alert is selected
toggleAlert: (alertType: AlertType) => void; // Set alert if not selected, otherwise reset. Send an event to Google Analytics
resetAlert: () => void; // Sets selected alert to null
Provider: SelectedAlertProvider
- Initializes with
- Wrap components that need access to alert state
Hook: useSelectedAlert()
const { selectedAlert, toggleAlert, resetAlert } = useSelectedAlert();
- Use it inside a component to access and manage the selected alert type
Manages the currently selected country by the country search and when clicking on the map.
- Handles country selection state
- Updates when a user selects a new country
- Allows null for no selection
interface SelectedCountryIdState {
selectedCountryId: number | null; // Currently selected country ID. Default: null
setSelectedCountryId: (countryId: number | null) => void; // Set selected country ID
Provider: SelectedCountryIdProvider
- Initializes with
- Wrap components that need access to country selection state
Hook: useSelectedCountryId()
const { selectedCountryId, setSelectedCountryId } = useSelectedCountryId();
- Use it inside a component to access and manage the selected country
Usage Example
function App() {
return (
<MapComponent />
function MapComponent() {
const { selectedMapType } = useSelectedMap();
const { selectedCountryId } = useSelectedCountryId();
const { selectedAlert } = useSelectedAlert();
// Use the context values...
Note: All hooks must be used within their respective providers or they will throw an error.
See Mock Authentication.